Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I wish poverty was prioritized first and gotten rid of ASAP!!!!

Those of you who read my blog probably already picked up that I'm a student studying in Scotland at the moment. Since I'm studying social work, part of our course i social policy which involves studying different areas in society which need social policies such as immigration and asylum, and poverty (personal favorite topics!). When we studied poverty and really looked at it in depth, it really hit me - 1 in 3 children live in poverty in Scotland. That is tonnes! How ridiculous is that? To look at some statistics from 2011/2012:

Out of all individuals 14% lived in relative poverty before housing (after housing 17%), and 15% lived in absolute poverty before housing (after housing 18%). 

Out of children  15% lived in relative poverty before housing (after housing 20%), and 16% lived in absolute poverty before housing (after housing 22%). 

If you don't understand these terms, relative poverty refers to your standard of living; you don't have the income to support your material needs which leads you to be excluded from society as you cannot participate in it. Absolute poverty means you don't have the means to support your physical survival so food, shelter, clothing, etc. 

Think about it, Scotland (UK) is a developed country and considered one of the most developed countries, but still approx. one in three individuals live in poverty. And in all honesty, I wont sugar coat it - these people live in homes which are freezing and don't have hot water or heating. They live most of the time on one or no hot meals in a day. Its not pretty. The video posted at the bottom is about students speaking of poverty and is a powerful one as it shows what poverty really is through the eyes of people living it. I'll also link Lorde's song Royals as it speaks of these people who live in poverty. 
I'm a student and obviously worry about my finances, but I try as much as possible to think of these children living with pretty much nothing, and then thank God that I have a blanket and a bed and a roof on top of my head. My room is around 10 degrees warm in the mornings when I wake up and it is freezing at night as well (heating doesn't help). I also try have meat on 3 or 4 days a week and rest of the time have like vegetables or something. Its super cheap to buy a big bag of carrots for 40p and they last me like 2 weeks. I am truly happy and think I have so much. I've found it in my heart to be thankful for what I have and feel dirty to even complain about my situation anymore. I think all of us should take some time to think about our priorities and reflect upon how rich we really are! I suggest taking 3minutes out to watch the video below. :)

Lorde - Royals "And we'll never be royals, it don't run in our blood, that kind of lux just ain't for us"

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I wish I got an interest to actually study this year!

I've just started second year of university and I have to say this is gonna be a hard year! I have so many assessments that If I started doing them now I would have 2 per month to do. That's not cool. Another thing, I suck at writing essays and all that so I really wish I got an interest to actually start doing some reading already now and start preparing to write my essays. I'm quite happy that I'm a bit stressed about it already because I am the most laziest person ever when it comes to course work. I can start a 2500 word essay a day before the due date and then start shitting myself about it purely because I'm lazy. So yeah, I've borrowed a few books from the library (I just cleaned them away to the book shelf tho, oops), and I have some journals and stuff I need to read online so I've been trying to start off with those now. I really hope this catches on and I get assessments done way early this time and maybe even get better grades. Oh uni-life... =(

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I wish you could trust people, especially friends.

You know that saying never trust anyone, well what about friends? I was friends with this girl and hung out with her like everyday. She was like the nicest girl ever and for a while like one of my best friends. People told me not to trust anyone with bigger stuff but when you have a close friend, your common sense just automatically trust them. Well after 1st year of university, I was meant to live with this girl and I gave up the security of having a flat for 3 years, and had to let 2 of my friends down. and let them find a new flatmate while I go live with this girl. I had to do this because she had no one and was opening the option of leaving university and I felt really bad for her. Well she was super happy to have me tell her I'll live with her. 
All was good till end of summer came. She sends me a message informing me that shes been thinking about moving back to her home country and quitting university for a long time now, and has decided to do it leaving me on my own, without a flat or flatmate for next year. I got quite stressed and disappointed about it but was more worried that she wouldn't take care of my rabbit while I was on holiday. Turns out she never even picked up my rabbit from his rabbit-sitter and I had to beg the person to take care of him for a while longer. I got more mad about this but thought whatever. The next thing she did was basically steal £5 from my friend who she owed to (didn't pay back full loans and refused to). I got mad about this and told her to return the money which she did not. 
Well the biggest thing for me was that when I went to pick up a box of my cutlery and pans and pots and other kitchen stuff, turns out she stole my frying pan that cost me £20, all my spices (there was quite a lot), my pot, my other pots lid, and a bunch of other stuff. This was the last drop for me. Seriously?????? I haven't sent her a message yet about this but I think I will very soon and a very impolite one too. I know she will get all super protective and somehow try justify herself so I'm just gonna write her a rude message once and for all and not give in with her. Seriously no matter how nice and how close of a friend you have, always be ready for disappointments because I did not see this coming...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

I Wish I Liked My Singing Voice More

I wish I could sing better than I do because I simply love music and playing the piano and all that. I wish I was confident and had a nice enough voice that I wouldn't be shy when playing the piano with my little skills and singing along. I try sing a bit louder every time and even sing on parts where the notes go too high or too low to practice my voice more. People have said I have a good voice sometimes but in all honesty I think its a pretty normal voice, nothing special really. 
I think singing lessons would be fun tho. I feel like my voice isn't strong enough or some muscles there aren't strong enough because when I go to out of my comfort zone high notes, my voice kinda starts wobbling a bit or breaking or something and isn't strong there. Hard to explain but maybe you know what I mean. Maybe singing lessons would increase my confidence and get me a little bit of a better voice. Unfortunately I'm not gonna afford, or put my money into singing lessons ever so I'm just gonna have to sing by myself in the shower or something and practice that way!
Another great thing about singing - it's good therapy if you're feeling upset or something. I remember when I was going through some hard moments and I went to my piano and played a Christian song called 'A day, and a moment at a time' (Its in Finnish) and sang along quite loud - and it made me feel so much better. I felt like when I sang the words of the song which were perfect for the situation I was in, it kind of told me everything will be okay and I shouldn't worry. I've had quite a few moments like this and if something similar has happened to you, you will know what I'm talking about. So yea, I wish I liked my voice more and could sing better perhaps.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I wish children had more feeling towards others and weren't so selfish!

I do not appreciate the selfishness of children at all. From what I have seen from the bunch of children I've been with, when kids do something they forget about it quite fast. And the problem is when they hurt someones feelings and after 15 minutes come ask you to play like nothing has happened. Today I had a little conflict with my au pair child and I thought to myself, how do I make her understand that she has just hurt someones feelings? Nothing major but just upsetting stuff. I acted like a child a bit and tried to make her notice that I wasn't happy with her but I don't think she got it. If it were my child I would have explained very well how I felt about 'stuff'. Children are so selfish as well and often think about only themselves. I guess maybe they are only too young to understand but still. Make them understand basic things like feelings faster. Agh so annoying. 
And I'm talking of little basic things as well such as a girl going on a play date to her 'friends'. When she arrives, her 'friends' go 'nooooo we don't want to be with her, tell her to go away'. How mean is that seriously? I've seen it all. Also when children talk rudely and disrespectfully to parents and all the rest of that. I know a family who's child ran away from home and when she later returned and saw her crying mother, she simply said I don't care and I'm not gonna tell where I've been and all that. Oh gosh. Not all children are so selfish and feeling less but I somehow believe almost every child has their moments. Definitely waiting till I'm like 30 to have kids and properly ready to put my time to bringing them up.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I wish that the law of Capital Punishment (Death Penalty) was Abolished in every country and state that practices it

Here goes - 32 states and 21 countries (last year) practice capital punishment. I cannot begin to emphasize how wrong this is. I understand that people can do horrifying things but then again I believe we all should get a second chance. If a person is very dangerous though, why can't we just keep him in prison and not take his life? Who are we to judge who deserves life and who doesn't? I read death row information from texas department of criminal justice web page about last words and what the crime has been and my heart broke. My heart broke even more when I saw the schedule of people who are going to be executed. There was the dates and photos of the people and everything. If you wanna see it, go to the web page I'll link at the bottom but its horrible. Here are a few last words for you to read. I was reading these because I thought someone should hear them out and I think a lot of people don't. My heart goes out for these people. I don't know how someone can do this.
Hey mom and pop. I love ya'll, all of you people in there. You know, ya'll have to come together, you too Terrella. Ya'll work on that. We all have to stand before God at the end of the day. Don't ever think you're perfect, none of us are perfect. God is the only one that is perfect. Jesus is perfect. I did wrong, now I am paying the ultimate price, even though it's a crooked way. I don't hate ya'll. Don't judge, I'm not judging. God has to judge those people. I forgive. Always remember, Romans 12:19 is for real, hell is for real. If ya'll don't have your life right, get it right. We all have to die to get to heaven. Get your life right with Christ; it's coming to an end. I'm talking to each and every soul in this building, in this room. I don't hate nobody, you're doing what you think is your job. God's law is above this law.
Hang on. Cowboy up, I'm fixing to ride. Jesus is my ride. Tell my babies daddy will look down on them. Put a "C" in his name for Carl. Tell my boys and tell Tracy to keep on keeping on. Love one another, go to church, change your life for Christ, live your life for Christ. All right, Warden. Terella, I feel it babe, love.
- Carl Blue - executed: February 21, 2013

 "...I don't believe that taking my life will solve anything. I believe that if I was locked up for the rest of my life, that would be more of a punishment. ..."- Bobby Lee Hines - Executed 24/10/2012

" Yes, I want to tell everybody that I love everybody. Keep your heads up. We are all family, people of God Almighty. We're all good. I'm ready.
Are they already doing it? I'm gonna go to sleep. See you later. This stuff stings, man almighty."    
- Rodrigo Hernandez - Executed 26/1/2012

"You're not about to witness an execution, you are about to witness a murder. I am strapped down for something Marcus Rhodes did. I never killed anybody, ever. I love you, Mom. I love you, Tali. This is wrong. This whole thing is wrong. I can't believe you are going to let Marcus Rhodes walk around free. Justice has let me down. Somebody completely screwed this up. I love you too, Mom. Well Warden, if you are going to murder someone, go ahead and do it. Pull the trigger. It's coming. I can feel it coming. Goodbye."
- Steven Woods - Executed 13/9/2011

Another horrible thing is that a bunch of these people are innocent. An example of a man who was innocent and on death sentence is Damien Echols. He was sentenced to death by lethal injection for the murder of 3 little boys along with 2 of his friends who got a life sentence (it was quite obvious that they were innocent and there has been a lot of raising awareness about this). Today I did a bit of research and was very glad to read on the news that all 3 have been released on August 2011. Thank God. For so many years I thought about them and my heart went out to them. If you want to know more, watch the documentary about it called 'A cry for Innocence' (it has Johnny Depp in it (Y)). After Damien got released this is what he said in an interview: "You can't teach people that killing is wrong by killing someone. It's just - it's not logical." I personally agree with this completely - hence the photo below. 
I don't know what you think about this but I think death penalty is one big nightmare in this world that I don't want to be true. And I'll tell my opinion still from a social worker to be's perspective. These peoples actions are largely influenced by what they have experienced and what has happened to them when they were children. Things like, violence, broken families, rape, alcohol and drug misuse by loved ones, etc. Why don't we just go to the root of the problem and punish the people who influenced these people to become like this. A lot of these people don't need prison, they need help and badly. They need someone to help them get over things that have happened to them and help them learn manners like violence doesn't solve things. I spoke with a social worker who worked at a prison who told me that some of the young prisoners especially have been raised with violence and they don't understand whats wrong with what they do since they are just practicing what they have seen all their life and how they have been treated. 

Everyone has their own opinion but this is mine. Taking someones life is just so so so wrong, and nobody's right to do. Even if the other person has taken other peoples lives. Oh this world we live in...


Friday, July 5, 2013

I wish I could go into a blanket fort and color my time away and not care about nothing.

I'm annoyed at life. Simply because it doesn't work the way I want it to. I wish people had time for me exactly when I have time, did things for me, and pleased me. Today I played hide and seek with kids and a 6 year old was ruining the game by telling the people hiding when I was coming. I got pissed. Why is it so hard for me to understand that its a 6 year old? Who cares about the rules, just have fun? Well I think I'm so self centered some days that I care. There is tonnes of stuff that happened especially today that make me feel like It's hard for me to accept things going other than my way. At the moment I feel very stubborn and I feel very unhappy with things not going my way right now. And nothing major, just stupid things like hide and seek and people not having time for me when I have 5 minutes free. Today I feel like I want to go into a blanket fort and color. And I wish I could do that without caring about anything or responding to anyone. - And in case you're wondering, yes, I am a grown up.

Friday, June 28, 2013

I wish I'll somehow afford to pay gym, pole dance and aerial hoop classes next university year!!

I love dancing so much! I've done pole dancing before and
absolutely loved it and want to do it again. Best exercise ever; keeps you fit, tones your body, and builds quite a bit of muscle. So yeah I wanna join that when I return to university. The thing is I provide a 100% for myself so where is this money gonna come from? I'm working at the moment and plan to work till the end of summer all the time. I counted my finances approximately and I will have a very tight financial situation. I thought about it tho, I could prioritize what I want to do and health first as in dance classes and gym and then food and then shopping/going out. 

I found out that the pole dancing studio I want to join also has aerial hoops now which got me super exited. This means if I join pole dancing, I can also go to the aerial hoop lessons! Win win for me! I looked at prices and it will be £35 per month and I would commit to 6 months with this mini membership (7 classes a month max). Including this I thought it would be really good to have my gym at the same time as I will need to be super fit to pull these classes off somehow. That adds another £18.99 per month. So £53.99 per month out of my finances. 
I have a feeling I'm gonna take a risk with my finances and dive into this when I get back to university. I will have to manage my finances more than ever and stop useless shopping and make choices with the food I eat and if I can afford to go out or not. But in all honesty, I think I will be so much happier going to these classes. My muscles will always hurt for days but I will feel like I've achieved something after every class and be super happy and of course get very fit at the same time. I just think I might go for this!!! So exited! =D
And a quick word about the photos, amazing isn't it? And no I'm not that flexible - nowhere near a split. But I will go for it and hopefully after the huge amount of stretching at the classes be flexible and be able to do tonnes of stuff! Plus in beginners classes no one really knows what their doing so no worries :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

I wish I'd never have to say goodbye again.

I hate goodbyes. I don't think anyone hates goodbyes as much as I do. I'm leaving to be an au pair to Spain for 6 weeks in a few days but I'm leaving my town already tomorrow and therefore have to face a painful goodbye to my boyfriend. We've spent so many days together because I'm leaving and had such a great time together. Today we were walking together and all of a sudden he ran off and picked me a beautiful flower, and that's when it struck me - I'll see him for a very few short hours anymore. I never stress about goodbyes this much but I felt horrible hours before saying good night to him. I know I will still see him tomorrow when he takes me to the bus station but I just started crying in his arms when we got to my place. I cried for ages and regret all my wishes and final decisions of leaving to be an au pair in the first place. I hate good byes. I never ever want to leave my loved ones again. Ever. It's just unnecessary sadness. 
Seeing what I'm like at this stage already, just think about how horrible it must have been back in the day for all the ladies that had to say goodbye to their husbands when they left to war, marines, or anything. In fact, one day I'll  have to say bye when my boyfriend goes to the army but hopefully I'll get to see him every weekend or every second weekend so its not too bad. Either way, I'm definitely not looking forward to the emotional goodbye at the bus station tomorrow. I didn't used to get so upset about this stuff, whats happened to me? I wish goodbyes didn't exist. =(

Sunday, June 9, 2013

I wish I wore dresses more

I love wearing dresses and summer is a great excuse to wear them. The thing is, I kinda feel overdressed going out on a normal day wearing a dress. I know a lot of people wear dresses and all that but I can't help feeling awkward. Either way, I have started changing myself!! I have a few friends who wear dresses all the time so I wore dresses when I was with them. After that I didn't feel that awkward anymore. I actually felt really pretty wearing a dress and it was so comfortable and chill. After that I've tried my best to wear more dresses outside since I do own quite a few dresses. So yes, I am actually starting to wear more dresses and winning that feeling of awkwardness! 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

I wish I knew how to paint!

I love drawing and painting but I never get around to doing it. I'm not too good either but I have to admit I surprise myself when I actually start drawing something. I'm better that drawing stick men, but not that good so I'd also love to learn more. I'd love it if I had the equipment and someone pushed me into painting and drawing stuff every now and then. It would be nice someday to put my own drawings and paintings on my wall if they are any good. 
From my drawings and paintings from high school art classes I like quite a few and am really happy I've kept them. I think they also remind me that I am okay good at stuff like drawing for example, so if I someday get really bored with my life, I'll go buy some paint and brushes and get busy!

Monday, May 13, 2013

I wish I'd have a healthy lifestyle now and forever...

This means for the rest of my life, not just now. I'm quite happy that I actually do like healthy food and exercising and all that. BUT I definitely need someone to push me a bit. My boyfriend keeps telling me to stop buying frozen processed meat (its sooo good!) but I can't really do much about it since fresh meat costs so much! I try drink water instead of juice and fizzy drinks but unfortunately I love juice. To try change this, I try not to have it available and sometimes put a few drops of lime into my water to make it more tasty.  As for exercise, I go to the gym but often am too lazy to go there. But I try very hard to go more, its a work in progress... 
So, one day when I'm married perhaps, I wish my husband would have a healthy lifestyle since I'd automatically have one too. And if my husband goes to the gym and all that, I'll feel guilty being a couch potato. See, it would all work! And this applies to when I'm 40 as well! I wanna go for jogs and have a healthy lifestyle in general. This is beneficial in all ways since I'd look better, be more healthy, and generally feel better! I feel like this actually will happen unless I get a husband who is a couch potato of course. But yeah, I know my lifestyle isn't the best right now but it isn't too bad either and I am working on changing it! So yes, challenge accepted! The photo below is my goal! Hahaa :D

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I wish I had more patience when it comes to my hair.

I have very easy hair - It's straight and brunette. I never do anything to it except brush it in the mornings. Now here comes the part that I wish I did something to it! I have learned how to make a fishtail braid (I wrote a post about wishing I'd know how to make one) and actually took my time to make a side fishtail braid today and my hair looks sooo nice! I automatically like my appearance more when I bother do something to my hair so I have decided to start doing something to it! I have ordered extensions from Luxy hair - amazing ones, had them before!, and thought I could go get some hair accessories so I can do something with it when I have it on soon! 

So yeah, I went shopping to Primark and got a black plastic bow which is so not me but thought I'd give it a shot (in the photo below). I also got a small hair clip with a butterfly on it, much like the one in the photo but mine is just a butterfly with diamonds on it. When I have my extensions on I like to clip a tiny bunch of hair at the back and leave the rest of my hair open. So I'm very happy with that buy! Then the last thing I got was a metallic black hair cuff thing. The one in the photo I own already in Gold and Metal and love them! They are so easy to use and make you look like you've actually made an effort with your hair! But the one I got now is elastic all around and has little metal triangles or something. Hard to explain but it is quite classy. All this I got for about 4 pounds or something! 
So yes, I will try my very best to actually start doing something with my hair from now on so I'd look better and feel better about myself. Super excited to get my extensions as well!!! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I wish that one day the father of my kids will be a great dad! (SOMEDAY!)

I've never thought about this till I saw a picture of a father and daughter online. I know everyone wants a good dad for their kids but I want a dad for my kids who loves spending time with them. Especially because I don't wanna be a mom who spends 24-7 with the kids. I'd love it if the father of my kids spent time doing stuff generally and enjoyed spending time with the kids. Unfortunately it is quite often that the woman spends majority of the time with the kids. But yeah, here are some cute pictures I found. :) 

Don't mean to be creepy but these photos are pretty cute, you gotta admit! :) I'm not like baby fever-y or anything. No, no, no, not even family fever-y. Just to clear on that, maybe in 10 years time! ;) 

Monday, May 6, 2013

I wish I had really white teeth!

My teeth aren't yellow or anything but I just want whiter teeth. I'm really scared of getting sensitive teeth as I used an electric toothbrush before and got super sensitive teeth and couldn't drink normal water from the tap with out my teeth hurting. So I don't want to use any whitening products and even if I did have the money, wouldn't got to the dentist to do it since I'm terrified of dentists. So yeah, I want to try whitening my teeth naturally! There are tonnes of home remedies like strawberries, lemon, sesame oil and all that. I did a bit of research and turns out majority of these harm your enamel and gums and are quite bad for you. 
Brushing baking soda for 2 minutes on your teeth and then rinsing apparently does not harm your teeth (dentists say!) but some people say you might get sensitive teeth if you use this for more than a month. This should be done every few days but some people say you will have really white teeth in 14 days of doing this and then there's no point in continuing after that. Also people say a real miracle is using a Banana peel. From the research I've read this is not bad for you at all either. You just rub a piece of the peel on your teeth for 2 minutes and then rinse or brush if you want to. Some people do this once a day, others do it twice a day. Apparently this gives you results already in a week as well. So I personally will try these starting today and perhaps sometime give you an update on how this goes! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I wish I could settle down with life already... or do I?

My whole life I've always thought that I'd love to live out of a suitcase pretty much and travel as much as possible. Well now that I'm pretty much living out of a suitcase its not that fun! I live in Scotland but have to find a place to put my stuff for every summer when I go to Finland as my lease ends. Right now I got a second suitcase from my brother who told me I could fill that and take it to his place. Even that one suitcase is not enough! And I'm taking half of my stuff home anyway. This is not good! He will be pissed when he finds out :D Mission impossible here I come. 
This makes me really wish that I knew where I will be settling down someday because I could buy more stuff and maybe get a second pet (I've adopted a bunny!). And the thing is I'm not gonna be a few hour drive away in a few years, I will be in a whole new country most likely. I have tonnes of stuff in Finland and half of my stuff here in Scotland and just wish I had them in one place. Oh well... I kinda like living like this otherwise so I'm not really sure what I want. I have mixed feelings towards this. Maybe I should just start saving money by not shopping anymore to keep the amount of stuff I own under control!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I wish that one day I'll be an au pair!!

Totally out of my comfort zone but I wanna do it! Right now I have an application in aupair-world.net and am getting tonnes of messages. I found a perfect family but think they already have an au pair so that kinda sucked but otherwise I'm still waiting for the perfect family to come by! I wanna go to Spain preferably for just like 2 months. I could be earning some money while enjoying myself and taking care of kids, which will definitely benefit me with my future career. I'm so looking forward to this!
Also, when you leave to go somewhere far from home into a new environment and live with as little technology as possible and just be with yourself and the kids; you learn a lot about yourself! So I think it would be really cool to just be and become more aware of me. I'm so exited and am looking forward to this. Who knows might not find a perfect family or might get my ticket to Spain already in 3 weeks! Fingers crossed!

Monday, April 29, 2013

I wish I'll have a Bengal cat someday!

I know for sure that I will own a cat someday when I get a permanent home, I love cats! I've never really cared that much for different breeds but Bengal cats??? They are to die for! They are so pretty and their personality is so playful and energetic. The only thing is they are super expensive! At least in Finland they are. I went on gumtree and there was an ad for 3 Bengal cats free to a new home but of course I cant make a commitment like that right now because I'm a student. Otherwise I would have gone for it. Oh well, some day I will buy a little Bengal kitten and I will love her! Can't wait! <3

Thursday, April 18, 2013

I Wish I Could Wear Long Skirts Outdoors Without Looking 'Weird' to Others

Why does every piece of clothing have to be so revealing now a days. I wear tonnes of mini dresses and all the rest of that but why does EVERYTHING have to be so revealing. Even shorts now a days go into your ass showing your butt cheeks to the world. I'll be 'old fashioned' about it and say whats with the world that I'll actually feel awkward walking outside in appropriate clothes! I love skirts. I was raised in a third world country and wore skirts that went past my knees majority of the time. Now that I've moved up and about Europe and live here, I actually will feel awkward wearing a skirt out of the house unless it's a mini skirt. I bought a skirt that went past my knees a while back and my flat mates actually told me it looks like a goody goody church girl skirt. I'd like to see their faces if I wore skirts till the ground. Oh what has this world come to!

I really wish I owned most of my skirts that I used to a few years back, and I wish I had the guts to wear them outside. I think skirts are classy and pretty. Plus they are super comfy! You can get such good and different looks wearing skirts so definitely not a boring look in my opinion. When I travel to go on holidays, I wear skirts quite a bit when i go outside because it's not weird in less developed countries, plus its respectful to some religions so thats a plus as well. 

Either way, I really like the style. It took me ages to find some decent photos but I love all of these looks! Tell me if you think any of outfits are bad. I think they look really classy and neat. Wearing heels with skirts that go under you knees look really good in my opinion and flats that don't show from under the skirt with longer ones. I don't know what you guys think but I love the style and wish I lived somewhere where everyone dressed like this. But yeah, no worries! I do own a few skirts still and will hold on to them, I'm not giving up! :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

I wish I had a water mattress

I don't know why but I've always wanted one. Must be annoying to set it up and 'maintain' it and all that but I really want one someday. I think I'd just lye in my bed and move a bit causing little waves... I'd never want to get out of bed! Since I find it hard already now to get out of bed I think it would be even harder once that comes into my life. Reality check, I'm probably never going to get one and if I did who knows, I could just end up with a sore back. So yea, maybe I'll find a hotel one day with a water bed and try it. Maybe it will count just being able to sleep one night on a water bed. 

Oh and I just found out that in most water beds you can control the temperature of the water meaning that resolves the problem of being too hot or too cold at night! You could even go over the top with it and get an octagon shaped bed while you're at it... =D

Thursday, April 11, 2013

I wish I will one day have artistic and 'different' posters/canvas around my flat

I love big posters what you wouldn't see in just anyones flat. Right now I have a poster of a picture taken in Venice with a couple and a red umbrella on my wall. I'd like to have another poster thats kind of the same style somewhere else in my flat too. Perhaps a little boat going through the  canals they have in Venice. I saw a poster like that in a shop once (picture on the right) and I really wish I would have bought it. I definitely should hunt that poster down again and get it! I also quite like the black and white couple kissing posters you sometimes see around. And yes, I really like dance related posters too! I think a flat would look really nice with posters like these.

I also like just random posters what I find interesting like the one below with colorful rain and the girl with the umbrella, such a smart idea for a painting eh? I definitely want something like that on my wall! It's such a pity posters are so expensive. I've been on ebay searching but nothing has been good enough. It's just luck what you find. Even the couple in Venice poster was ordered from online.