Thursday, October 3, 2013

I wish I got an interest to actually study this year!

I've just started second year of university and I have to say this is gonna be a hard year! I have so many assessments that If I started doing them now I would have 2 per month to do. That's not cool. Another thing, I suck at writing essays and all that so I really wish I got an interest to actually start doing some reading already now and start preparing to write my essays. I'm quite happy that I'm a bit stressed about it already because I am the most laziest person ever when it comes to course work. I can start a 2500 word essay a day before the due date and then start shitting myself about it purely because I'm lazy. So yeah, I've borrowed a few books from the library (I just cleaned them away to the book shelf tho, oops), and I have some journals and stuff I need to read online so I've been trying to start off with those now. I really hope this catches on and I get assessments done way early this time and maybe even get better grades. Oh uni-life... =(