Monday, January 20, 2014

I Wish I Was Good at Nail Art

Sorry for the serious topics lately, back to fun stuff tho! (at least for a while) ;) Lately everyone seems to be having really pretty nails all the time. It's not one colored stuff anymore, but its different designs and everything. I love nail art, it's so pretty. Unfortunately I'm not much of a nail person to begin  with. I paint my nails and wait for the nail polish to peel off. I wish I actually bothered to take the nail polish off after it starts looking bad but I'm really lazy at that. Otherwise I have really good nails that grow really fast and are always long (only now starting to appreciate that!). Now that I'm working as a Social Worker in Training tho, I have started taking my nail polish off if it starts looking bad. I try look like I've made an effort everyday to respect the people I'm working with, and of course try to show that I really want to be there.  

Recently I've really started admiring the nail designs I see around. I've watched some tutorials and they seem quite easy to make even tho they do look really hard. Most of them are just made my putting a paper to make a straight line or sellotaping the are you don't want nail polish on. I'm going to attach some pictures here of some really nice nail designs I found. I especially love the black matte and shiny black nail polish combination. I quite like black and gold together as well. I don't want my nails to stand out too much and in general don't like bright nail polishes so I'd go for darker colors and designs that don't stand out too much. I'm definitely going to try out some of these in the coming days and hope to get okay good at this. There are really good tutorials for these on youtube that are really easy to make, so if you get interested just find some on youtube and learn! That's what I will do!