Monday, May 6, 2013

I wish I had really white teeth!

My teeth aren't yellow or anything but I just want whiter teeth. I'm really scared of getting sensitive teeth as I used an electric toothbrush before and got super sensitive teeth and couldn't drink normal water from the tap with out my teeth hurting. So I don't want to use any whitening products and even if I did have the money, wouldn't got to the dentist to do it since I'm terrified of dentists. So yeah, I want to try whitening my teeth naturally! There are tonnes of home remedies like strawberries, lemon, sesame oil and all that. I did a bit of research and turns out majority of these harm your enamel and gums and are quite bad for you. 
Brushing baking soda for 2 minutes on your teeth and then rinsing apparently does not harm your teeth (dentists say!) but some people say you might get sensitive teeth if you use this for more than a month. This should be done every few days but some people say you will have really white teeth in 14 days of doing this and then there's no point in continuing after that. Also people say a real miracle is using a Banana peel. From the research I've read this is not bad for you at all either. You just rub a piece of the peel on your teeth for 2 minutes and then rinse or brush if you want to. Some people do this once a day, others do it twice a day. Apparently this gives you results already in a week as well. So I personally will try these starting today and perhaps sometime give you an update on how this goes! 


  1. Woah I never knew about the baking soda! I actually have some lying around so I think I'll try it :D

    1. It starts bubbling and tastes quite salty then!! I tried it :D - Just a friendly warning!
