Friday, December 30, 2011

I wish for a even better next year!!

What do most people do on New Years? They go watch fireworks and especially young people go to parties and drink with their friends. Well what do I do on New Years? I usually go watch fireworks yes, but i've never drank on New Years which im proud of and wanna keep it that way for now atleast. =D

I'm going to spend New Years with my boyfriend and perhaps go watch fireworks but mainly, i'll just be with him. A tradition I really like on New Years is that you kiss someone when the year changes. I have never kissed anyone as the year changes since i've been with family or just the wrong company shall i say.... But anyway, this year i'll have someone to kiss around which will be really nice. =) 
My friends are organizing this New Years party i've been tempted to go to but I decided not to. I watched the movie 'New Years Eve' the other day which made me wanna go to a party where I could dress up and dance and have fun but still when I think about it, I rather have a nice peaceful evening with my boyfriend. I know it will be fun and I hope everyone elses New Year celebrations will be just as amazing! 

As for new years resolutions..... well thats still a work in process =D I never really made any resolutions but this year I can definately think of things to improve and change in my life. 
Otherwise, this Year had been the best one so far tho. I've got through school to my last year, i've got amazing friends, my sister got married, i've travelled to places i haven't been to before, and most importantly got the most amazing boyfriend ever. The next year for me will bring lots of changes in my life so I just hope it will be as good as this one has been!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

I wish that everyone could have a MERRY CHRISTMAS this year!

Nobody's life is perfect, neither is mine. I've had alot of worries and troubles on my mind this month and i've thought, whats this christmas gonna feel like? I've been worried about are my siblings going to be present for christmas and are the people closest to me going to be having a good time with peace on their minds when christmas comes around. Christmas has kinda just come really fast the past years and I haven't gotten that 'CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS' feeling. I hoped I would this year.
But guess what... I got that feeling =D. Im sooo happy. I've done loads of christmas shopping today, and had a great day with my two beautiful sisters in the city <3 Everything in life is perfect at the moment. Not one worry in my mind. It's an amazing feeling. I'm really looking foreward to chrismas and I bet it will be an amazing one. 

Theres on thing I really wish for though... I wish other people could kinda get that peace for christmas too. No matter in what situation you're in. You may have a million worries in the world... Your could be living a nightmare right now but I just hope you could find a way to just put everything in life on hold and just have a really good christmas with your loved ones. If theres no loved ones around... then why not alone then? Go to christmas church and be around people for a bit, enjoy the snow if there is any, have something really good to eat (lots of it) and just have an amazing relaxing time of your life with a cup of hot chocolate under a blanket, without anything to disturb you and just enjoy christmas!! (after all, it's just once a year)
Merry Christmas everyone, and lets not forget the real meaning of christmas either <3 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I wish these were the type of clothes I wore... :DDD

I wear all kinds of clothes, but im really picky with what I wear too. I normally wear just totally random clothes from my wardrobe but I wish I could choose whatever and I owned them too. So if I were to choose what to wear on some random day and I could pick anything, this would be it. I love accessories; l love long earrings and rings and bracelets!, i dont like carrying bags around at all... i rather just put my phone and keys in my pocket =D i like shoes but i don't own that many since im so picky with those too.... okay ill correct that, i own loads of shoes but i got my favourites! hahaa 
So here goes, for jeans... id go for ripped ones - theres something about ripped jeans that i just love <3
For a shirt i'd choose a kid of lose one, perhaps one where the other shoulder shows =) and perhaps one where a tiny little bit of stomach shows too haha ^^ As for my shoes theres just 2 choices - High Heels or Converse (shoe laces untied usually =D) Depends on day though... if i wanna look more classy or just comfortable :D and depends if my feet hurt from the day before already....
 For accessories as I mentioned earlier, i love em and yea, i usually go for silver rings and all bracelets and all that. I don't really like colors on jewelery :D So i'd grab a bunch of rings on a few fingers and then a few bracelets on the other hand and im good to go =D

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I wish that it would snow!

It's the 6th of December in Finland and it snowed for the first time last night. Last year we had snow already late October... whats this?? Honestly, i've always hated the winter because im not used to a climate like this though. =( This will be the 3rd winter i've experianced in my life. I love love love snow but its far too cold for me, but this winter im really wanting the snow and looking foreward to it, so I guess i'll appreciate this then... 

I've lived in Africa all my life so i'm used to a warm Christmas but when you are in a country like Finland where the snow belongs to winter.... it just has to be there. Snow on Christmas is a must. And ofcourse it cheers you up when theres snow everywhere, when the days are only a few hours long, and its pitch black.... it kinda lights up the place abit. =D So yeah,,, I don't know about you but im really looking foreward for that white Christmas!!!!!!!!!!