Monday, May 13, 2013

I wish I'd have a healthy lifestyle now and forever...

This means for the rest of my life, not just now. I'm quite happy that I actually do like healthy food and exercising and all that. BUT I definitely need someone to push me a bit. My boyfriend keeps telling me to stop buying frozen processed meat (its sooo good!) but I can't really do much about it since fresh meat costs so much! I try drink water instead of juice and fizzy drinks but unfortunately I love juice. To try change this, I try not to have it available and sometimes put a few drops of lime into my water to make it more tasty.  As for exercise, I go to the gym but often am too lazy to go there. But I try very hard to go more, its a work in progress... 
So, one day when I'm married perhaps, I wish my husband would have a healthy lifestyle since I'd automatically have one too. And if my husband goes to the gym and all that, I'll feel guilty being a couch potato. See, it would all work! And this applies to when I'm 40 as well! I wanna go for jogs and have a healthy lifestyle in general. This is beneficial in all ways since I'd look better, be more healthy, and generally feel better! I feel like this actually will happen unless I get a husband who is a couch potato of course. But yeah, I know my lifestyle isn't the best right now but it isn't too bad either and I am working on changing it! So yes, challenge accepted! The photo below is my goal! Hahaa :D

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I wish I had more patience when it comes to my hair.

I have very easy hair - It's straight and brunette. I never do anything to it except brush it in the mornings. Now here comes the part that I wish I did something to it! I have learned how to make a fishtail braid (I wrote a post about wishing I'd know how to make one) and actually took my time to make a side fishtail braid today and my hair looks sooo nice! I automatically like my appearance more when I bother do something to my hair so I have decided to start doing something to it! I have ordered extensions from Luxy hair - amazing ones, had them before!, and thought I could go get some hair accessories so I can do something with it when I have it on soon! 

So yeah, I went shopping to Primark and got a black plastic bow which is so not me but thought I'd give it a shot (in the photo below). I also got a small hair clip with a butterfly on it, much like the one in the photo but mine is just a butterfly with diamonds on it. When I have my extensions on I like to clip a tiny bunch of hair at the back and leave the rest of my hair open. So I'm very happy with that buy! Then the last thing I got was a metallic black hair cuff thing. The one in the photo I own already in Gold and Metal and love them! They are so easy to use and make you look like you've actually made an effort with your hair! But the one I got now is elastic all around and has little metal triangles or something. Hard to explain but it is quite classy. All this I got for about 4 pounds or something! 
So yes, I will try my very best to actually start doing something with my hair from now on so I'd look better and feel better about myself. Super excited to get my extensions as well!!! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I wish that one day the father of my kids will be a great dad! (SOMEDAY!)

I've never thought about this till I saw a picture of a father and daughter online. I know everyone wants a good dad for their kids but I want a dad for my kids who loves spending time with them. Especially because I don't wanna be a mom who spends 24-7 with the kids. I'd love it if the father of my kids spent time doing stuff generally and enjoyed spending time with the kids. Unfortunately it is quite often that the woman spends majority of the time with the kids. But yeah, here are some cute pictures I found. :) 

Don't mean to be creepy but these photos are pretty cute, you gotta admit! :) I'm not like baby fever-y or anything. No, no, no, not even family fever-y. Just to clear on that, maybe in 10 years time! ;) 

Monday, May 6, 2013

I wish I had really white teeth!

My teeth aren't yellow or anything but I just want whiter teeth. I'm really scared of getting sensitive teeth as I used an electric toothbrush before and got super sensitive teeth and couldn't drink normal water from the tap with out my teeth hurting. So I don't want to use any whitening products and even if I did have the money, wouldn't got to the dentist to do it since I'm terrified of dentists. So yeah, I want to try whitening my teeth naturally! There are tonnes of home remedies like strawberries, lemon, sesame oil and all that. I did a bit of research and turns out majority of these harm your enamel and gums and are quite bad for you. 
Brushing baking soda for 2 minutes on your teeth and then rinsing apparently does not harm your teeth (dentists say!) but some people say you might get sensitive teeth if you use this for more than a month. This should be done every few days but some people say you will have really white teeth in 14 days of doing this and then there's no point in continuing after that. Also people say a real miracle is using a Banana peel. From the research I've read this is not bad for you at all either. You just rub a piece of the peel on your teeth for 2 minutes and then rinse or brush if you want to. Some people do this once a day, others do it twice a day. Apparently this gives you results already in a week as well. So I personally will try these starting today and perhaps sometime give you an update on how this goes! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I wish I could settle down with life already... or do I?

My whole life I've always thought that I'd love to live out of a suitcase pretty much and travel as much as possible. Well now that I'm pretty much living out of a suitcase its not that fun! I live in Scotland but have to find a place to put my stuff for every summer when I go to Finland as my lease ends. Right now I got a second suitcase from my brother who told me I could fill that and take it to his place. Even that one suitcase is not enough! And I'm taking half of my stuff home anyway. This is not good! He will be pissed when he finds out :D Mission impossible here I come. 
This makes me really wish that I knew where I will be settling down someday because I could buy more stuff and maybe get a second pet (I've adopted a bunny!). And the thing is I'm not gonna be a few hour drive away in a few years, I will be in a whole new country most likely. I have tonnes of stuff in Finland and half of my stuff here in Scotland and just wish I had them in one place. Oh well... I kinda like living like this otherwise so I'm not really sure what I want. I have mixed feelings towards this. Maybe I should just start saving money by not shopping anymore to keep the amount of stuff I own under control!