Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dreams Come True

I was sitting thinking about this blog and then thought to myself; why am I just writing about wishes? What about when I actually do something about those wishes and make them come true? Surely I need to inform you guys so you don't think I just sit around dreaming my life away! Well here goes. I have always loved circus, gymnastics and dancing kinda thing as you maybe can tell from my blog. I have done pole dancing (the fitness type! :D ) before as a teenager and absolutely loved it. Every year after that, which is now like 5 years, I have thought 'oh I'll go to the gym for a while to gain strength and then go'. Well I am pleased to say that I have finally started both aerial hoop and pole dancing!!! I absolutely love both and don't understand why I haven't started earlier. This fulfills my wishes of circus-y stuff, dancing and flexibility which I have written about before. 
I was a bit nervous going thinking I will be rubbish at it and so on, but I went in and could do the moves and if I couldn't the instructor would help me. Everyone needs to start somewhere. I got a lovely confidence boost as well when the instructor was pleased with me when I could do a move no one else could do in the beginners class even though it was my first time! I was just thinking yay me for training my core at the gym! (a few times haha) SO what have we learned? Always act upon your dreams!!! Otherwise you'll end up regretting it. And better late than never!!! I've never posted pictures of myself but I will post one now as I feel it needs to be posted as evidence for this!