Thursday, July 18, 2013

I wish children had more feeling towards others and weren't so selfish!

I do not appreciate the selfishness of children at all. From what I have seen from the bunch of children I've been with, when kids do something they forget about it quite fast. And the problem is when they hurt someones feelings and after 15 minutes come ask you to play like nothing has happened. Today I had a little conflict with my au pair child and I thought to myself, how do I make her understand that she has just hurt someones feelings? Nothing major but just upsetting stuff. I acted like a child a bit and tried to make her notice that I wasn't happy with her but I don't think she got it. If it were my child I would have explained very well how I felt about 'stuff'. Children are so selfish as well and often think about only themselves. I guess maybe they are only too young to understand but still. Make them understand basic things like feelings faster. Agh so annoying. 
And I'm talking of little basic things as well such as a girl going on a play date to her 'friends'. When she arrives, her 'friends' go 'nooooo we don't want to be with her, tell her to go away'. How mean is that seriously? I've seen it all. Also when children talk rudely and disrespectfully to parents and all the rest of that. I know a family who's child ran away from home and when she later returned and saw her crying mother, she simply said I don't care and I'm not gonna tell where I've been and all that. Oh gosh. Not all children are so selfish and feeling less but I somehow believe almost every child has their moments. Definitely waiting till I'm like 30 to have kids and properly ready to put my time to bringing them up.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I wish that the law of Capital Punishment (Death Penalty) was Abolished in every country and state that practices it

Here goes - 32 states and 21 countries (last year) practice capital punishment. I cannot begin to emphasize how wrong this is. I understand that people can do horrifying things but then again I believe we all should get a second chance. If a person is very dangerous though, why can't we just keep him in prison and not take his life? Who are we to judge who deserves life and who doesn't? I read death row information from texas department of criminal justice web page about last words and what the crime has been and my heart broke. My heart broke even more when I saw the schedule of people who are going to be executed. There was the dates and photos of the people and everything. If you wanna see it, go to the web page I'll link at the bottom but its horrible. Here are a few last words for you to read. I was reading these because I thought someone should hear them out and I think a lot of people don't. My heart goes out for these people. I don't know how someone can do this.
Hey mom and pop. I love ya'll, all of you people in there. You know, ya'll have to come together, you too Terrella. Ya'll work on that. We all have to stand before God at the end of the day. Don't ever think you're perfect, none of us are perfect. God is the only one that is perfect. Jesus is perfect. I did wrong, now I am paying the ultimate price, even though it's a crooked way. I don't hate ya'll. Don't judge, I'm not judging. God has to judge those people. I forgive. Always remember, Romans 12:19 is for real, hell is for real. If ya'll don't have your life right, get it right. We all have to die to get to heaven. Get your life right with Christ; it's coming to an end. I'm talking to each and every soul in this building, in this room. I don't hate nobody, you're doing what you think is your job. God's law is above this law.
Hang on. Cowboy up, I'm fixing to ride. Jesus is my ride. Tell my babies daddy will look down on them. Put a "C" in his name for Carl. Tell my boys and tell Tracy to keep on keeping on. Love one another, go to church, change your life for Christ, live your life for Christ. All right, Warden. Terella, I feel it babe, love.
- Carl Blue - executed: February 21, 2013

 "...I don't believe that taking my life will solve anything. I believe that if I was locked up for the rest of my life, that would be more of a punishment. ..."- Bobby Lee Hines - Executed 24/10/2012

" Yes, I want to tell everybody that I love everybody. Keep your heads up. We are all family, people of God Almighty. We're all good. I'm ready.
Are they already doing it? I'm gonna go to sleep. See you later. This stuff stings, man almighty."    
- Rodrigo Hernandez - Executed 26/1/2012

"You're not about to witness an execution, you are about to witness a murder. I am strapped down for something Marcus Rhodes did. I never killed anybody, ever. I love you, Mom. I love you, Tali. This is wrong. This whole thing is wrong. I can't believe you are going to let Marcus Rhodes walk around free. Justice has let me down. Somebody completely screwed this up. I love you too, Mom. Well Warden, if you are going to murder someone, go ahead and do it. Pull the trigger. It's coming. I can feel it coming. Goodbye."
- Steven Woods - Executed 13/9/2011

Another horrible thing is that a bunch of these people are innocent. An example of a man who was innocent and on death sentence is Damien Echols. He was sentenced to death by lethal injection for the murder of 3 little boys along with 2 of his friends who got a life sentence (it was quite obvious that they were innocent and there has been a lot of raising awareness about this). Today I did a bit of research and was very glad to read on the news that all 3 have been released on August 2011. Thank God. For so many years I thought about them and my heart went out to them. If you want to know more, watch the documentary about it called 'A cry for Innocence' (it has Johnny Depp in it (Y)). After Damien got released this is what he said in an interview: "You can't teach people that killing is wrong by killing someone. It's just - it's not logical." I personally agree with this completely - hence the photo below. 
I don't know what you think about this but I think death penalty is one big nightmare in this world that I don't want to be true. And I'll tell my opinion still from a social worker to be's perspective. These peoples actions are largely influenced by what they have experienced and what has happened to them when they were children. Things like, violence, broken families, rape, alcohol and drug misuse by loved ones, etc. Why don't we just go to the root of the problem and punish the people who influenced these people to become like this. A lot of these people don't need prison, they need help and badly. They need someone to help them get over things that have happened to them and help them learn manners like violence doesn't solve things. I spoke with a social worker who worked at a prison who told me that some of the young prisoners especially have been raised with violence and they don't understand whats wrong with what they do since they are just practicing what they have seen all their life and how they have been treated. 

Everyone has their own opinion but this is mine. Taking someones life is just so so so wrong, and nobody's right to do. Even if the other person has taken other peoples lives. Oh this world we live in...

Friday, July 5, 2013

I wish I could go into a blanket fort and color my time away and not care about nothing.

I'm annoyed at life. Simply because it doesn't work the way I want it to. I wish people had time for me exactly when I have time, did things for me, and pleased me. Today I played hide and seek with kids and a 6 year old was ruining the game by telling the people hiding when I was coming. I got pissed. Why is it so hard for me to understand that its a 6 year old? Who cares about the rules, just have fun? Well I think I'm so self centered some days that I care. There is tonnes of stuff that happened especially today that make me feel like It's hard for me to accept things going other than my way. At the moment I feel very stubborn and I feel very unhappy with things not going my way right now. And nothing major, just stupid things like hide and seek and people not having time for me when I have 5 minutes free. Today I feel like I want to go into a blanket fort and color. And I wish I could do that without caring about anything or responding to anyone. - And in case you're wondering, yes, I am a grown up.