Friday, December 30, 2011

I wish for a even better next year!!

What do most people do on New Years? They go watch fireworks and especially young people go to parties and drink with their friends. Well what do I do on New Years? I usually go watch fireworks yes, but i've never drank on New Years which im proud of and wanna keep it that way for now atleast. =D

I'm going to spend New Years with my boyfriend and perhaps go watch fireworks but mainly, i'll just be with him. A tradition I really like on New Years is that you kiss someone when the year changes. I have never kissed anyone as the year changes since i've been with family or just the wrong company shall i say.... But anyway, this year i'll have someone to kiss around which will be really nice. =) 
My friends are organizing this New Years party i've been tempted to go to but I decided not to. I watched the movie 'New Years Eve' the other day which made me wanna go to a party where I could dress up and dance and have fun but still when I think about it, I rather have a nice peaceful evening with my boyfriend. I know it will be fun and I hope everyone elses New Year celebrations will be just as amazing! 

As for new years resolutions..... well thats still a work in process =D I never really made any resolutions but this year I can definately think of things to improve and change in my life. 
Otherwise, this Year had been the best one so far tho. I've got through school to my last year, i've got amazing friends, my sister got married, i've travelled to places i haven't been to before, and most importantly got the most amazing boyfriend ever. The next year for me will bring lots of changes in my life so I just hope it will be as good as this one has been!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

I wish that everyone could have a MERRY CHRISTMAS this year!

Nobody's life is perfect, neither is mine. I've had alot of worries and troubles on my mind this month and i've thought, whats this christmas gonna feel like? I've been worried about are my siblings going to be present for christmas and are the people closest to me going to be having a good time with peace on their minds when christmas comes around. Christmas has kinda just come really fast the past years and I haven't gotten that 'CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS' feeling. I hoped I would this year.
But guess what... I got that feeling =D. Im sooo happy. I've done loads of christmas shopping today, and had a great day with my two beautiful sisters in the city <3 Everything in life is perfect at the moment. Not one worry in my mind. It's an amazing feeling. I'm really looking foreward to chrismas and I bet it will be an amazing one. 

Theres on thing I really wish for though... I wish other people could kinda get that peace for christmas too. No matter in what situation you're in. You may have a million worries in the world... Your could be living a nightmare right now but I just hope you could find a way to just put everything in life on hold and just have a really good christmas with your loved ones. If theres no loved ones around... then why not alone then? Go to christmas church and be around people for a bit, enjoy the snow if there is any, have something really good to eat (lots of it) and just have an amazing relaxing time of your life with a cup of hot chocolate under a blanket, without anything to disturb you and just enjoy christmas!! (after all, it's just once a year)
Merry Christmas everyone, and lets not forget the real meaning of christmas either <3 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I wish these were the type of clothes I wore... :DDD

I wear all kinds of clothes, but im really picky with what I wear too. I normally wear just totally random clothes from my wardrobe but I wish I could choose whatever and I owned them too. So if I were to choose what to wear on some random day and I could pick anything, this would be it. I love accessories; l love long earrings and rings and bracelets!, i dont like carrying bags around at all... i rather just put my phone and keys in my pocket =D i like shoes but i don't own that many since im so picky with those too.... okay ill correct that, i own loads of shoes but i got my favourites! hahaa 
So here goes, for jeans... id go for ripped ones - theres something about ripped jeans that i just love <3
For a shirt i'd choose a kid of lose one, perhaps one where the other shoulder shows =) and perhaps one where a tiny little bit of stomach shows too haha ^^ As for my shoes theres just 2 choices - High Heels or Converse (shoe laces untied usually =D) Depends on day though... if i wanna look more classy or just comfortable :D and depends if my feet hurt from the day before already....
 For accessories as I mentioned earlier, i love em and yea, i usually go for silver rings and all bracelets and all that. I don't really like colors on jewelery :D So i'd grab a bunch of rings on a few fingers and then a few bracelets on the other hand and im good to go =D

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I wish that it would snow!

It's the 6th of December in Finland and it snowed for the first time last night. Last year we had snow already late October... whats this?? Honestly, i've always hated the winter because im not used to a climate like this though. =( This will be the 3rd winter i've experianced in my life. I love love love snow but its far too cold for me, but this winter im really wanting the snow and looking foreward to it, so I guess i'll appreciate this then... 

I've lived in Africa all my life so i'm used to a warm Christmas but when you are in a country like Finland where the snow belongs to winter.... it just has to be there. Snow on Christmas is a must. And ofcourse it cheers you up when theres snow everywhere, when the days are only a few hours long, and its pitch black.... it kinda lights up the place abit. =D So yeah,,, I don't know about you but im really looking foreward for that white Christmas!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I wish I had a tattoo!

The thing with me is that I really like tattoos. BUT I would probably never get one because i'd most likely get bored of it eventually and want something else instead so yeah. It would be awesome to have this 1 year tattoo or something like that tho. I know there are ones that stay a few years and then fade away but i've read lots of bad stuff about them like sometimes they stay there permanently all half faded, or leave a mark, or fade slow and ugly, and its friggin expensive plus all this other stuff I don't wanna take risks with.

I've thought about this stuff alot tho like, where would I get a tattoo? Probably somewhere where I can see it so... not on my back or something even tho those are cool too. I'd probably go for one on my foot or wrist or then on the right side on my waist just above the line of my jeans........... or then on my back-shoulder :D Yea, lots of options, all sound good. But I guess a place which can be hidden easily would be the best.

For the what would I get tattoo of? I think I wouldn't need too much of meaning on my tattoo, i'd just want something that looks good. Or then just some really good quote or text that I really like. If I had one on my wrist though, I think i'd go for a word or name that's somehow special to me.

So yeah..... the only thing i've actually thought of, and concluded that I'd be happy with would be a few lizards probably on my outter foot, big enough for people to see them, or then have a few on my back-shoulder thing, or like the girl in the photo =D And to add a little detail still, maybe it would be nice to have a word or a 3 word phrase there too next to the bottom lizards tail too. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

I wish guys expressed their love in those little cute but meaningful ways more and forever!

First of all i'll start off by saying im not directing this to anyone really, just a general view. So yea, enjoy. =P

Guys sometimes do those little things that make us girls smile and stay happy for ages like hug us from behind, pick us up to kiss us, put their arm around us in public, surprise us at a time when its most unexpected or just bring us a heart shaped donut to remind us that we are loved. Just little tiny things that will turn our world around for a moment. 

Another thing I think all of us love, is when a guy tells us something and we cant resist smiling. Its an amazing feeling. Usually its those cute things they say that they consider 'gay' and avoid saying. Well if any guy reads this..... be a man and tell your girl you love her in a different way than just 'i love you' always. You can easily tell if a girl gets impressed by this because atleast for me, I can't help smiling and you can just tell that you just made me real happy there. 
The one thing here that is a little scary though is that the little acts of love our boyfriends do to show us they care, will they last forever? Most people married say no or atleast it pretty much appears so, but then again some couples still find their togeather time everyday and remain in love throughout their lives. Thats what I want. I dont wanna get married and end up having a lame life. I want to have a life full of surprises that wont get boring and you never know what tomorrow will bring! <3<3<3 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I wish everyone would just accept the fact: 'You are Beautiful!'

We all get insecure sometimes and look at ourselves in the mirror thinking why do I look like this? Why can't I have a smaller stomach, a prettier face, i wanna be taller, my hair is all flat and ugly, my nose is big .... Oh i could go on forever! So basically we think: EVERYTHING IS WRONG WITH ME! Yes, we all have those moments in our lives, but accept it, you're beautiful no matter what anyone says. No matter when, where, what you're wearing, what you're doing - You're beautiful. 

For some of us it isn't that easy though. If someone tells us you're beautiful, it won't mean much to us and we just think 'yea... right'. I get that cuz i've been like that myself. It's probably been then hardest thing for me to do; accept my outlook, and I still get those days, I admit it. But i've learnt to look at myself more positively and instead of always looking for the negative sides, I look for the positive sides. It was a long process for me to start accepting myself but trust me once you do so, your confidence about yourself goes way up and it shows. It shows because you smile and look at people differently and it brings out your inner beauty aswell - It shows people that 'I don't care what anyone says about me and I love myself just the way I am', theres some beauty in that alright.
What i'm trying to say is that it's so sad to think you're not beautiful. It's the worst thing not to love your body. I know from experience and I hope that no one else would think this way but I know there are tonnes of you guys out there. I seriously wish you would start smiling as you look into the mirror and loving your body more. Stop having thoughts like 'im fat' 'too short' 'ugly face' and all the rest of that NO NO NO not true! We are all in a very unique way beautiful, there's no one that looks like us in this world, even identical twins are unique, and thats beautiful. 
'You are beautiful no matter what they say 
Words can't bring you down
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down
Don't you bring me down today...

No matter what we do  
No matter what they say 
When the sun is shining through
Then the clouds won't stay'

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I wish I had a piano.

I barely know how to play the piano but i'm learning with the hope of one day knowing how to play way better than I do right now. I just love it. I could listen to someone playing for hours and not get bored. <3 I don't think I could ever get bored of playing the piano in the long run either. I would always end up coming back to play a lil more, even if I just know how to play a few songs. 
The moments I really wish I had a piano are the moments when i'm sad and lonely. Those are the moments i'd go to my piano and play the same few songs that I know how to over and over again and sing in a low voice so no one would hear me. After all, a piano is your best friend at the sadest times, it would never leave you alone <3 (sounds depressing right)

Anyways, another time when I really wish I had a piano is when im pissed off. I just love playing the piano as loud as I can when im angry, trust me it makes you feel way better. Exept of course those times when I suck at it and keep playing wrong, it would just make the situation worse. =D Theres a lot you can tell about a person by the way they play the piano.
© Xavier Roeseler, 2010

Basically I love playing the piano at all times, even tho I pretty much suck at it. =) And I really wish I owned one too. When I move out I shall get myself a piano, for sure.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I wish I had amazing hair like they do in commercials!

I'm gonna go to the hairdresser in about a week to cut and dye my hair which got me thinking about this, why can't I have the kinda hair the models have in the commercials we see on tv and magazines? I know the kind of hair they have in those hair product commercials we see on tv and magazines is totally impossible for anyone to have but still I'd love to have hair like that, I mean wouldn't we all? Their hair is always so long and healthy, and shiny, and glossy, and the color of it is always so... perfect. Instead of this plain brown hair that we have after just dying our hair its like this amazing deep color of chocolate brown that shines like wow...
Think about it, if I all of a sudden had hair like the women in these commercials and went on the street with this wind blowing through my hair and it would just fly around without tangling at all and the shine would be like the sun basically. People would stare. Other peoples hair would be flat and normal and plain and mine would be this long healthy looking hair with lots of volume and it would be an amazing color that blinds people when they look at it. Not possible. Just False Advertising.  
I once dyed my hair at home and the packaging of the hair dye said something like if you arent satisfied with this hair product we will refund your money back, contact us at blaa blaa blaa. Seriously????? The damage has been done already... plus it was really crappy hair dye. My hair wasn't even close to what the models hair color in the pack was... Pfft. Someone must be making good money photoshoping those photos to make them that convincing. =D

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I wish I weren't scared of heights =(

I'm scared of heights and thats why I claim I hate doing things involving high places even if i secretly I really would'nt mind. There. I said it. You know they say that if you're scared of heights, in reality you're just scared of falling. Well I admit, I wouldnt exactly wanna fly down some reallllly high mountain. I was once in Switzerland on the alps and there was nothing to prevent you from falling down the cliff 1meter away from me and the worst was that with every step, it was so slippery that you could have fallen down and died. :D ANYWAY. On the bright side, I would never commit suicide cuz im so scared of heights..... well atleast by jumping down from somewhere ;D
Theres so many things that i'd do if i were'nt scared of heights. One thing I would LOVE to do is all this random circus stuff. Of course that would need the whole flexibility, strength etc. package - but I could work with that.... kinda sorta maybe? One problem tho.... heights. =( If I just had the chace to, I'd wish i could do what ever those circus people do. I went to watch some circus acrobat show with my boyfriend and the place was so packed we could barely see so my boyfriend lifeted me up to sit on his shoulders so I could see and that was one of the most awesome moments I've had... everything at that moment was just awesome. Exept my boyfriends shoulders probably dying cuz of me <3 

Another thing I would do if I weren't scared of heights would be snowboarding. I think i'd like it and it looks really cool =D Plus I have a boyfriend and a best friend who love snowboarding and I know they would be really happy if I went snowboarding with them plus it would probably be fun. But who knows maybe I will go this winter, you never know. I'd probably also go climbing. Not the kinda climbing that happend outdoors without any ropes keeping me from falling like in the photo below. The indoors climbing places i'd go to and climb untill the roof! If i'd go now randomly, i climb like 2 meters and start whining like a baby for someone to get me down so... yea no.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I wish other people are not like me.

Okay, as my other post made very clear - i'm happy. But we all have our moments right? Sometimes I really feel like i need a dose of Happy pills. Like seriously - i feel all moody and meh and i look in the mirror and i look bad and nothing goes right and something bad is just bound to happen. It's just one of those days when you're annoyed enough about everything and walk off all grumpy and then hit your little toe on the corner of something. Not cool. At all.

When everything goes wrong, something starts putting all these stupid ideas in your head like no one cares about me, im ugly, im 'always' sad, everyone hates me, im probably the most annoying person in the world and so on and eventually you think you're going crazy. Expessially if theres someone around you nagging all the time; do this, do that, your phone keeps ringing, you have a million things to do, you should be getting ready to go somewhere and you've missed the zillionth bus already! Those are the days when some kind of happy pill dose is really needed. 
Now that's not a nice feeling at all, and i really hope no one in the world is like me.... but i bet there are people like that. When feelings like that go on for a few days you eventually feel like the world's on your shoulder and you just wanna go under the blanket and forget the world exists for a bit.

I sometimes think to myself, i really wish other people don't feel as crappy as I do right now... maybe if i could, i'd take other peoples sadness on me, so they could be happy and i'd just be sad for a bit longer =) I think its good to be happy and why waste life on being sad anyways? Well sometimes you can't realy help it i guess, and sometimes you don't really even care, but you can still try be happier so other people will be happier seeing you happy and eventually its a chain reaction of happiness <3 This way when we have to face the clouds, we will find a silver lining way faster than we think we would!

I wish i were happy - like extreamly mega HAPPY IN CAPITAL LETTERS HAPPY!

Don't get me wrong, im happy! I have a boyfriend who loves me, a best friend that fits perfectly for that saying '“True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like leaves, found everywhere.” She is a realllly rare diamond <3 I have a nice family and im going to be an aunty soon! I have good friends and nothing is really wrong in my life. 

But........... you know when you get those reallllly happy moments you dance around your room for ages and cant stop smiling and sing and jump around, well maybe i just do that but i love that feeling! Its amazing! Its like this Happy Over Flow! Thats the feeling.... I love it! I love love love love love it! 

I've had moments in my life when i thought id never be happy again... so i've learned to appreciate those moments, and i wish i appreciated them even more than i do! Those 'Happiness over flows' dont exactly come everyday ... so when they do i make the most out of them! <3 =)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What a blog name....?

I've thought about starting a blog even though i hate writting! Just one problem... what would I write about?????

I was going through the Victoria Secrets online store and found myself thinking damn... I kinda wish I had that and forwarded the page to a friend. Then i found my self wishing that I were like the model in the photo; Lucky to have a body like that and lucky to get a job at a position like that. The whole evening i had looked at photos of totally random stuff and always had my own thoughts and wishes.

Then it hit me.... I have so much stuff that i find hard to admit to people that i wish i were like. I thought i could write about this, and one day when i get the courage to, I can send this page to someone who thinks they know all about me and say, now thats what i wish i was like, thats what i wish i had, that who i wish i was. I barely know what I want in life, maybe ill find out through this at somepoint as well, who knows?