Monday, January 30, 2012

I wish my future home will contain these things =)

Firstly let me point out that I am aware that I will probably not be able to afford these things until i'm like 50 so yeah. That's why the title has the 'I wish' in it. As a student, I don't need much. I just want a home which contains the necessities and I can hang photos and drawings all around the place.
But as I grow older and settle down somewhere, I'd like to have a home what I can furnish and decorate how I want to, so lets hope I can afford that by then. Firstly I'd like a double bed which is really comfortable and has a decorated head board. (something like in the picture below but not that one) Secondly, I'd like to have a Jacuzzi or just a big bathtub. Thirdly I'd LOVE a crystal chandelier! I saw one a few days ago I fell in love with for 400€ so... that's never gonna happen but still! Not a typical one, but rather one with some modern design on it as well.
Other things I'd like to have are for instance some cast-iron garden furniture such as a bench or a table or something... I just love them. Also a mini fountain would be nice somewhere, some random one outside or perhaps a mist fountain inside in some corner. <3 Lastly the minor touch ups I've though about would be layered curtains meaning 2 or 3 different curtains on windows (one see through one covering whole window, then some nice curtains on the sides) and my walls painted not just one color but designed. Perhaps a painted black tree on one wall would be pretty. 
So there... that's all I've had in mind for a future home so far =)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I wish life wouldn't be so hard without my computer

I am addicted to my computer... and I don't even do much on it, I just stare at it and go through stupid websites. I think this is a problem with most young people now a days. Honestly, the people I talk to online are exactly like me; 'Hey, whats up?' 'nothing, bored, and u?' 'ah... nothing much'. The basic way of starting a conversation with someone who just sits on their computer all day. I only got a own computer 2 years ago when I moved to another country, and ever since i've been in love with it.... Not as bad as I used to though. Before I couldn't live without my computer, but now a days I don't mind THAT much... kinda, sorta, maybe... heh...
I'm sending my computer off for a few weeks to be fixed and I hope in the meantime I could build a life without sitting on the computer all day. Perhaps come home and study.... (like thats ever gonna happen). The only problem is that my school work mainly needs to be done on this computer so that will get a lil frustrating eventually I guess. Well we will see how this goes... one day at a time. So c ya in a few weeks I guess, unless I miss this too much and find away to access a computer <3 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I wish I had something called 'motivation'!!

I suffer from a huge lack of motivation. Right now I've had a 2½ week holiday and tomorrow school resumes. I have to do a 1500 word History Internal Assesment, study for my driving school theory exam and finnish my personal statement, all for tomorrow. Gosh... and its no 5minute thing... AND I'M HERE WRITTING THIS!!

Another really annoying thing is that I have done nothing today.... seriously NOTHING at all. Yesterday I was planning to go sleep about 11 so I could have a fresh start.... well plans change I guess. This is really annoying and I should really really really change my ways. 
My lack of motivation is based on school mainly... but I gotta admit, i'm always late for everything, i'm really last minute, and if I start something, most likely I won't finnish it if i don't do it right away. I have no idea what I can do about this problem. I've tried everything; wake up earlier, sit in the library, try hide my computer..... NOTHING WORKS. I hope this will change before I move out to a university... otherwise i'm screwed! 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I wish we would understand that 'Everybody hurts some days' and its okay =)

Lets get right to it - we all have our emotional days. Today I had a really happy, hyper, energetic day but sometimes I have a sad, moody, depressed day. I usually have a bunch of really good days and all of a sudden for no reason have a bad day. Those days are the ones I hate being asked 'Whats wrong?' or 'Is everything okay?' since how are you gonna explain without the other person looking at you all weird anyway? My theory is that if you're happy for long, you're bound to have a negative day or moment soon to balance it out. Not that I don't believe in being happy constantly but ... you know what I mean right? 

I used to have sad days quite alot at one point. I thought to myself is it normal sometimes but.... I sometimes kinda needed a break where i'd be moody and listen to sad music all day, and be in my lazyday clothes, and lie in bed and just be me. Usually I don't even have a proper reason to be sad and sometimes almost find myself kind of looking for a reason. So yes! It is normal and definately does some good for you to sometimes just screw everything and have a lazy emotional sad day. I thought of writting about this when I listened to this song by Avril Lavigne - Everybody Hurts and thought of it like.... this is so true!! 

'Everybody hurts some days
It’s okay to be afraid
Everybody hurts
Everybody screams
Everybody feels this way
And that’s okay
La da da da da da
 That’s okay'