Friday, March 29, 2013

I wish I had matching heels and clutches!!

One thing I love in fashion and think is attractive and classy is when someone has matching heels and a clutch. I saw a girl once who wore quite plain clothes (jeans and just a random top) and was wearing red heels and a red clutch. I couldn't stop staring. She looked so pretty. This happened years ago and I still remember it and loved the look. When I go shopping and I see a bag that says 'matching heels available' I go storming about the shop looking for them. I still haven't found a decent set though. I saw one set but it wasn't my style really. But still that match would look so good on someone who could pull it off. 

How nice would it be to walk about town shopping in plain everyday clothes and then make it classy with the matching heels and clutch?? Oh I wish they made more products like this! It was hard enough finding just those photos!! If I had a magic wand I would just get the pink and black set (middle photo) right there in front of me and walk like I own the streets!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

I Wish I Could do a Split!

My whole life I have wanted to learn to do a split. Well ever since I saw someone do one I wanted to at least. I regret not learning it as a child since that would have been so easy compared to now. I am 19 now so the task isn't that simple. When I go to the gym I try stretch but often I just end up not doing it. It looks so pretty when people do a split tho! Especially the girl in the photo who looks like she is taking a giant leap in the air. Love it. 

I used to do pole dancing and after the classes I could do a split further than ever since my muscles where really warmed up and really stretchy from all the stretching we used to do. I loved it! I think I should start pole dancing again at some point since it was so much fun and my fitness was so good shortly after I started, and I am NOT a sporty person! Getting fit and flexible while having fun, loved it!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I wish I had a personalized laptop!

I love having items that look like I own them. One thing I've been thinking about for ages is getting a laptop sticker to personalize my laptop. My problem is that this laptop I'm using is actually my mothers and I'm not getting a new one till the end of summer. When I do get one I'll wait a few months for it to get the signs of life from living with me since I don't really wanna stick a sticker on a brand new laptop. There are really pretty colorful laptop stickers out there but I liked the more simple black ones more. I think I'll be getting a black laptop tho so I can't have a black design so I'll see what I'll do when I do buy a new laptop. So yeah, here are a few random ones I found and kinda liked. My favorite is definitely the tree with the birds!! (makes me want a gray laptop) The one with Pikatchu is just so cute that I had to add it here! :D

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I wish I was out in the rain right now.

My ideal place to be right now: outside, in rain thats not freezing, dark/gray-ish weather, and not near too many people. I wanna have a walk around right now in the cool rain. Rain is so peaceful. I love rain. I just have so much on my mind and just want to be alone for a bit. Everything about rain is refreshing. The smell, the touch, the look of it. Its so fresh and gets your mind off everything. I wouldn't mind taking a walk for like 30 minutes and come home soaked. I think I would feel so much better in all ways after that and just be ready for a good night sleep after that.