Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I wish I had a tattoo!

The thing with me is that I really like tattoos. BUT I would probably never get one because i'd most likely get bored of it eventually and want something else instead so yeah. It would be awesome to have this 1 year tattoo or something like that tho. I know there are ones that stay a few years and then fade away but i've read lots of bad stuff about them like sometimes they stay there permanently all half faded, or leave a mark, or fade slow and ugly, and its friggin expensive plus all this other stuff I don't wanna take risks with.

I've thought about this stuff alot tho like, where would I get a tattoo? Probably somewhere where I can see it so... not on my back or something even tho those are cool too. I'd probably go for one on my foot or wrist or then on the right side on my waist just above the line of my jeans........... or then on my back-shoulder :D Yea, lots of options, all sound good. But I guess a place which can be hidden easily would be the best.

For the what would I get tattoo of? I think I wouldn't need too much of meaning on my tattoo, i'd just want something that looks good. Or then just some really good quote or text that I really like. If I had one on my wrist though, I think i'd go for a word or name that's somehow special to me.

So yeah..... the only thing i've actually thought of, and concluded that I'd be happy with would be a few lizards probably on my outter foot, big enough for people to see them, or then have a few on my back-shoulder thing, or like the girl in the photo =D And to add a little detail still, maybe it would be nice to have a word or a 3 word phrase there too next to the bottom lizards tail too. 

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