Friday, December 23, 2011

I wish that everyone could have a MERRY CHRISTMAS this year!

Nobody's life is perfect, neither is mine. I've had alot of worries and troubles on my mind this month and i've thought, whats this christmas gonna feel like? I've been worried about are my siblings going to be present for christmas and are the people closest to me going to be having a good time with peace on their minds when christmas comes around. Christmas has kinda just come really fast the past years and I haven't gotten that 'CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS, CHRISTMAS' feeling. I hoped I would this year.
But guess what... I got that feeling =D. Im sooo happy. I've done loads of christmas shopping today, and had a great day with my two beautiful sisters in the city <3 Everything in life is perfect at the moment. Not one worry in my mind. It's an amazing feeling. I'm really looking foreward to chrismas and I bet it will be an amazing one. 

Theres on thing I really wish for though... I wish other people could kinda get that peace for christmas too. No matter in what situation you're in. You may have a million worries in the world... Your could be living a nightmare right now but I just hope you could find a way to just put everything in life on hold and just have a really good christmas with your loved ones. If theres no loved ones around... then why not alone then? Go to christmas church and be around people for a bit, enjoy the snow if there is any, have something really good to eat (lots of it) and just have an amazing relaxing time of your life with a cup of hot chocolate under a blanket, without anything to disturb you and just enjoy christmas!! (after all, it's just once a year)
Merry Christmas everyone, and lets not forget the real meaning of christmas either <3 


  1. So how was your Christmas? Did you get what you've wished for ? (hope so)Was stumbling and find this post. liked it .. warm and kind. (wish I could find it before Christmas :) ). carry on dancing it's one of the most amazing experience one can have in his life (tho its kind'a hard thing to do..)

    1. I think I pretty much got what I wished for, a perfect Christmas I'd say, couldn't ask for better. Family managed to be over together and everything went perfectly, not a single worry on my mind. =D

      And YES, I'll DEFINITELY carry on dancing, and it can't be hard. There's no good or bad dancing, as long as it makes you smile, its perfect! (Thanx so much for your post, made my smile!) =)
