Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I wish everyone would just accept the fact: 'You are Beautiful!'

We all get insecure sometimes and look at ourselves in the mirror thinking why do I look like this? Why can't I have a smaller stomach, a prettier face, i wanna be taller, my hair is all flat and ugly, my nose is big .... Oh i could go on forever! So basically we think: EVERYTHING IS WRONG WITH ME! Yes, we all have those moments in our lives, but accept it, you're beautiful no matter what anyone says. No matter when, where, what you're wearing, what you're doing - You're beautiful. 

For some of us it isn't that easy though. If someone tells us you're beautiful, it won't mean much to us and we just think 'yea... right'. I get that cuz i've been like that myself. It's probably been then hardest thing for me to do; accept my outlook, and I still get those days, I admit it. But i've learnt to look at myself more positively and instead of always looking for the negative sides, I look for the positive sides. It was a long process for me to start accepting myself but trust me once you do so, your confidence about yourself goes way up and it shows. It shows because you smile and look at people differently and it brings out your inner beauty aswell - It shows people that 'I don't care what anyone says about me and I love myself just the way I am', theres some beauty in that alright.
What i'm trying to say is that it's so sad to think you're not beautiful. It's the worst thing not to love your body. I know from experience and I hope that no one else would think this way but I know there are tonnes of you guys out there. I seriously wish you would start smiling as you look into the mirror and loving your body more. Stop having thoughts like 'im fat' 'too short' 'ugly face' and all the rest of that NO NO NO not true! We are all in a very unique way beautiful, there's no one that looks like us in this world, even identical twins are unique, and thats beautiful. 
'You are beautiful no matter what they say 
Words can't bring you down
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down
Don't you bring me down today...

No matter what we do  
No matter what they say 
When the sun is shining through
Then the clouds won't stay'


  1. Good afternoon

    Do you own the photo on this site of the lady with yo uare beautiful written accross her chest? If so, I am starting an eating disorders group and would like to use this image on the flyer. Could you give me permission to do this please?

    Many thanks


    1. Hey,
      I actually don't own this photo to be honest. I appreciate a lot that you asked tho!!! The photo is from this web site:


      You can ask the user for permission. Good luck with the eating disorder group, I'm sure it will help tonnes of people!!!
