Thursday, May 10, 2012

I wish I had brown eyes...

We are never satisfied are we? Those who have curly hair want straight hair and those who have straight hair want curly hair, those who have blue eyes want brown eyes and those who have brown eyes want blue eyes, and so on. I have heard statements like these loads of times and I'm sure you have too. And yeah, unfortunately now you will hear it again, I want chocolate brown eyes. They are naturally just prettier. But then again brown eyes are so common since its the dominant gene that passes on brown eyes while the blue eyes gene is recessive. Yes, I know some biology. =D I have blue eyes and have wanted brown eyes for my whole life basically. 
When I think about it though, if I could get brown eyes permanently right now if I wanted to, I don't think I'd do it. In loads of places around the world people look at blue eyes and admire them because they are so rare. So yeah, I should be thankful. Even though I ended up in the conclusion that I would rather keep my blue eyes, I will never stop admiring brown eyes. There is just something about brown eyes. Today I wore dark brown contacts and I liked seeing myself with them even though they were a bit unnatural. It's a nice change but I have to admit I liked seeing my own blue eyes again once I took them off. 


  1. omg are you joking i have brown eyes and their sooooo boring :( wish i had your eye colour though :) blue is absoloutly gorgeous!

    1. If I could, I would change with you!! I bet we would both get bored at our new eyes really fast tho :D hahaa

  2. I have brown eyes, but they're not dark... My whole family has blue eyes except me! I'm like the black sheep of my family... :/

    1. Well Brown is a dominant gene! :D I love brown eyes, they dont need to be dark! Dont worry, I'm sure they are lovely =)
