Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I wish I'll be able to adopt a child someday!

I've never really wanted a child of my own or a child at all actually. BUT; as I've grown older, I've come to the conclusion that perhaps it would be nice to have a child someday. :) ONE THING THOUGH, Why bring a child into this world when there are millions of children in desperate need for a home? I've always thought this way and I always will. Adopting is so expensive in so many countries though which sucks. It should be cheaper so that people who want to adopt could have the chance to if they aren't exactly rich. But hopefully one day when i'm married and we decide to have a child with my future husband (if we do!!!), we will have enough money to afford adoption. 
I've talked about 'me one day in the future when i'm way older wanting to adopt', to some people and I was surprised about how many of then where like 'no way I'd ever adopt, I'd want my own child.' I thought everyone would wanna adopt if they just had the chance to. There are a lot of risks sometimes in adopting and its expensive but c'moon, its a human being just like me and you, plus he/she doesn't have a home. I at least will want to adopt some day if I actually decide to have a child. =)   


  1. you can do both ! adopt one and have your own :) (thumbs up for your thought)

    1. YES! Exactly what I thought! :D If I marry someone really eager to have kids, maybe one of my own and then 1-2 adopted ones =)

    2. have you ever adopted an animal.. like.. a dog for instance ?I'm just curious :)

    3. Well I was brought up in Africa so all the animal were just stray street dogs or cats so yea, we adopted a few when they were babies before they became wild :D

  2. Well miss, it seems to me you have a brave heart :) (what more could you wish for )
