Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I wish I could save a life one day...

There is a million ways you can practically 'save a life'. Little things can have big effects. Think about it, by donating like 2€ to red cross or some other organisation could help in saving somebody's life, donate blood and you've just saved a life, been there as a listener for someone going through a tough time could prevent them from taking their own life and you wouldn't even know it! There's a million ways. I'm sure all of us have played some kinda role in making someones life better or perhaps even saving a life, but I would love to do something bigger. I'd love to know that hey, I just helped that person take a grip on life again or I just turned that persons life around to the better side. It would be an amazing feeling. 
One feeling I'm pretty sure no one would wanna have is knowing you could have done something, and knowing you can't anymore. For instance thinking that your friend takes their own life and you could have been there and stayed up with them all night but you weren't. I think that would be terrible. It would be awesome to know that you gave someone hope in life again or you where the person who changed their life for the better. I don't hope for a situation like that for anyone, but if there was a situation like that, I really wouldn't mind being there for them. 
Another thing is that people are so uptight and 'i don't care about other people' often, no offence if you fall into this category. But reality is that we can't make it alone in this world. There I said it. And I found an amazing photo (the one above), which says it better than a thousand words. Sometimes we just need someone to be there for us and turn that hourglass once again and we just cant do it alone. So start looking out for other people more I guess. =) 

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