Sunday, February 24, 2013

I wish love was like in the movies based on Nicholas Sparks

Here goes a post on love. Just love. This is really not like me but Nicholas Sparks books have just made me compare love in the stories with reality. In the movies based on Nicholas Sparks, love is appreciated and not taken for granted. The way the lovers value each other is just beautiful to watch. Maybe because in these movies people have to actually fight for love, they appreciate it so much. I wish I saw people truly loving each other endlessly like in these movies. I wish the looks we give to each other would be full of love and respect. I haven't watched all the movies shown below but they are all on my 'must see' list.

I love how in The Notebook Noah's and Allies love was playful and they had loads of fun together everyday. I wish that when I'm 40 I'll still be having fun and running around playfully with my future husband someday.

One thing you really don't see now a days is the love that lasts forever. Today everyone is just 'growing apart' and getting divorces. Whats with that anyway? Love is a choice and marriage is a choice, a choice to stay with the other person forever no matter what. SPOILER: In 'A Walk To Remember' Landon marries Jamie even though she has leukemia and they are pretty much high school students. He knows she will die soon but still goes for it because thats all that matters to him. You just don't see that too often anymore.

Another thing I love to see is people who truly appreciate each others presence. Isn't it adorable seeing couples run into each others arms sometimes. Doesn't really happen much but when it does, its such a Daaaw moment, especially if the couple is a bit of an older couple and not teenagers. 
One thing I think people should definitely do more, including me is fight and then get over it. Fights and arguments come and go, why not let it go and not make a huge deal out of little things. In fact why not make the effort to not start fights out of little things in the first place. Like the photo belows says 'but despite their differences, they had one important thing in common. They were crazy about each other.' 

When I think about it, I feel like I myself don't value love as much as I should. And to be honest, I should be thankful that I'm in the same country as my boyfriend in the first place. I think I will try change my behavior and learn to be a more caring and appreciating girlfriend. Perhaps love will be more like the movies then eh? Change always starts from oneself. :)

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