Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I wish I'll have guts to go skinny dipping one day!!

Yes this sounds a bit odd but I'd wanna do that. It would take so much guts but... why not. Especially if other people (close people) are like yea lets do it, I think I'd maybe consider it. So it I was at a beach with basically no one there and I was far from the place I live in, It would be way easier for me to actually do that, I'd just maybe go for it. I'd have to be in a stupid mood tho but still. :) The photo below was just hilarious so I had to put it here.
This sounds really stupid so I hope no family members ever find out about this blog and judge me for it. hahaa! 


  1. Replies
    1. it would be quite a sight for your brothers looking out the window, and besides, the water is freezing still :D
